We believe that building to the current New Zealand Building Code does not provide a year-round comfortable family home. We as an industry need to do better and build homes that are warm, dry and healthy.

This has led us to Passive House. Passive House is an approach to building healthy warm homes to international best practice. These specifically designed homes follow a strict standard performance based standard where they will typically operate between 20 and 25 degrees all year, while consuming 70 to 90% less heating electricity than a standard New Zealand home.


Benefit of a Passive House

Studies have found that indoor temperatures below 16 degrees drastically increase the risk of respiratory illnesses.

A Passive House is modelled to ensure that it will maintain a constant 20 to 25 degrees all year round in every room of your home. 

The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation NZ reports that over 600,000 people in New Zealand have Asthma with over 80,000 hospital admissions in 2019 and is the third leasing cause of death in New Zealand.

As Passive House has a constant supply of fresh filtered air throughout your home. The ventilation system filters out all the dust, pollen, and pollution before it enters the home. Most people with Asthma find they no longer have any symptoms when living in a Passive House.


According to Stats NZ 1 in every 5 homes in New Zealand have significant mould or dampness issues.

In a Passive House the internal surfaces are designed to never condensate. This is due to the higher internal temperature and the ventilation system which constantly removed all the stale and damp air.

With the governments Emissions Reduction Plan to reach net zero greenhouse gas emission by 2050, there will be increased demand on the current electrical infrastructure, and therefore increased cost.

With the average Passive House using 70 – 90% less electricity for heating than a standard New Zealand home there is a huge potential for ongoing energy savings.

High-Performance Consulting Services

Thermal Design Review

We can review your current design and give our professional opinion on how you could improve the thermal performance of your home.

Passive House Consulting

We can generate a thermal model of your project to see how it performs. We can then test your building to accurately predict its performance and assess where you can improve the thermal design or if you may achieve any of the Passive House standards.

Homestar Assessment

As certified Homestar Designers and assessors, we are a one stop shop to help you obtain a Homestar certification for your new home, whether it is already built or in the design stages.


Passive House in New Zealand

Passive House is just starting to take off in New Zealand with more and more projects being documented and reported. Director Jason Macquet is a Certified Passive House Designer and is always looking to design the most healthy and comfortable family home. For further information about Passive House, or to discuss a Passive House project please get in contact with Jason.


Passive House Blog

 The following blog style posts break down the core ideas of a passive house as well as answer a few common questions.

Passive House Explained

TEDx Ireland / Jeff Colley